Love Power Slay The Hate - A "Kinda Review" - Mos Def The Ecstatic

I used to love her too. 

I know that it's common to say that but I did. She used to make me feel good about myself and teach me things.

When I listened. 

She still does.

When I listen.

I used to love her like she was family but after a while she started to trip. At first it was little stuff. Slips of the tongue and all that. After a while I couldn't be with her when family was around. She was foul mouthed and had an attitude that only got us in trouble. She was influencing me in ways I really didn't want to be pushed. My dad almost threw her out of the car one day when I left her in it by herself. 

I knew I had to let her go when she started to embarrass herself and me  by association. Those looks that the world gave me because they knew that I knew her didn't bother me as much as knowing they had a right to wonder if she told me what to do. They didn't know her like I knew her so I gave her the benefit of the doubt. She still made me feel like a king at times, and filled my head with dreams. For all that, I still thought that one day I would have to let her go.

I always knew she had many friends because of the way she sounded like so many people. Like her own flavor was lost in all the voices. She used to say that many come and go, and I believed her.There was one guy she was Ecstatic about though. She called him Dante. 

Now Dante always treated her right. Even though he got her big brother beat, he did it with love. He took her around the world and back again so that he could show her how big the world is. His example made others treat her better than she has been in a while. He made her a priority and gave her words to live by.

Peace before everything,
God before anything
Love before anything,
Real before everything.

To help her straighten out her life he teaches her about God.When asked if he's gonna take care of her he says "Yes. Right now on it. Always!" The Love is obvious. I hear them talking and feel like I shouldn't be listening to something so personal.  Such amazing beauty.

I think she's in good hands.